Enzyme Peel | 60mins

Enzyme Peel | 60mins


Due to every cell function in the skin and body being facilitated by enzymes it is no wonder an enzyme facial can work wonders on our skin. The enzymes used in these facials will hydrate and gently peel the skin to leave the skin luscious, plump and fresh. After a dual cleanse with our pH balanced cleansing bar, and a light exfoliation to allow the enzymes to work into the deeper layers of the skin, this facial utilises the addition of our Rhubarb Glycolic to loosen the cells binding the layers of the skin, so the enzymes can slowly digest the dead skin cells and slough away. Enzymes also feed and nourish the surrounding cells and increase their ability to absorb minerals and vitamins. Finished with our EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) concentrate and moisturiser.
It is highly advised to complete a course of 6 treatments for optimum results. 

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