Micro-Dermabrasion With GuaSha Infusion

Micro-Dermabrasion With GuaSha Infusion


A revitalising, deep and thorough exfoliation of the surface skin cells. After a double cleanse with our pH balanced cleansing bar, very fine corundum crystals are swept with pressure over the skin at an angle to physically lift away the top layers of dead skin cells and reveal the fresh baby cells underneath. Once the skin has been evenly treated, we apply our signature Epidermal Growth Factor Serum to calm and heal the skin and promote a quicker repair of the skin to ensure the protection of the new cells, this is then infused into the skin using a fine micro current, which also stimulates the superficial facial muscles to provide a minor lift as well. Finishing this treatment with its complimenting EGF moisturiser and naturoceutical 30+ sunblock is the ultimate protection for your glowing fresh skin. 

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